Veterans Program

In 2015, the Visual Arts Center of Richmond launched a partnership with the Richmond Veterans Administration Medical Center. Today, we serve over 500 participants annually.

The program, which is funded by several generous grants, brings veterans who are undergoing some form of treatment into VisArts’ studios for art workshops that are intended to help them transition back to civilian life. Through this program, students can take part in arts classes in an array of media including memoir writing, clay, wood working, stained glass, and fibers.  

Most of the veterans are patients at the VA’s Polytrauma Rehabilitation Center, which means that they may be recovering from or adjusting to a series of serious medical conditions. Common issues veterans in the Polytrauma Rehabilitation Center face include PTSD, vision problems and mobility issues. The U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs recognizes the efficacy of creative expression for active military members and veterans, using the arts as one of many ways to treat the emotional and physical disabilities that sometimes accompany service. VisArts’ program works to combat social isolation with positive social engagement in a supportive community and provide opportunities for therapeutic self-expression. We deliver interactive arts education that helps to strengthen or maintain dexterity and stimulates cognition, memory, and flexible thinking.

Throughout the year, groups of veterans travel to the Visual Arts Center of Richmond to participate in either one-day or multi-week workshops. In cases where the veterans can’t travel, VisArts sends instructors to the VA. Additionally, participants who want to pursue their art beyond Veterans at VisArts are given scholarships to participate in studio classes at VisArts. Our hope is that veterans feel welcome to exercise their creativity at VisArts.

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