Matching Gifts
Many companies, particularly large corporations, match the gifts their employees give to non-profits. If your company has a matching gifts program, it’s possible you could double your gift’s impact with very little additional effort.
Some companies ask that you complete a simple form and submit it to the non-profit you’ve designated to receive matching funds. When VisArts receives forms like these, we complete a portion of the form and send it back to your company, certifying the receipt of your gift. At that point, your company sends us a check.
Some companies just ask that you submit a form directly to your human resources department. If you are asked for VisArts’ federal tax ID number, otherwise known as the Employer Identification Number (EIN), please use 54-0721433.
Remember, most companies will match a gift given any time during the current calendar year, so if you have already given to VisArts this year, it may not be too late to apply for your company’s match. If you designated your gift go to a particular initiative at VisArts, your company’s matching gift will usually receive the same designation.
Questions about matching gifts? Contact our Development Manager, Maura Sinnenberg, at (804) 353-0094, ext. 226 or