
Digital Comics (Ages 15-18)

Learn the fundamentals of making comics using a digital medium. The class will include a rundown of digital drawing software and will cover topics such as character design, panel composition, and story structure. By the end of this class, students will have completed a multi-page comic and will have foundational knowledge to create further comics in the future. We will be using iPads supplied by VisArts.

Special Notes

  • Classes are confirmed one week prior to the start date. In order to help us confirm classes, please register as early as possible.
    This class counts as a Special topics course in our Art League Certificate Program.
About the Instructor

Jessica Soffian

Jess Soffian is a Richmond-based comic artist and illustrator with a passion for storytelling. Originally from Cary, NC, Jess came to Richmond to attend VCU as a BFA Communication Arts major and was delighted to discover RVA's thriving art community.


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Digital Comics (Ages 15-18)

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Class Closed
Class Details
September 21 - October 2610 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Day: Sat
Tuition: $170.00
Member Tuition: $153.00
Additional fees apply
Instructor: Jessica Soffian